Tuesday, March 11, 2008


It's been a bit of a technologically frustrating week for me. I loved Audacity and Chris' tutorial was an enormous help. I created a powerpoint slide that I thought might actually be useful in my teaching and I attached soundwaves of my own voice to the slides. The frustrating part came when I tried to post it on my blog and I managed to erase all of the sound files somehow. Then, I added the sound again and tried to drop it into the dropbox on the class iSite and that didn't work either. Then, I tried to email it to Peter and it took 30 minutes to upload....hence, my frustration! I'm still not sure if he received it successfully. All I can say is that what I'm learning through the process is quite worth the frustration :)
This new "surface" technology video gives me hope!

Friday, February 22, 2008

Cool links

As an elementary classroom teacher, I am very excited about all of my learners gaining access to the curriculum. Since Boston's curriculum is not universally designed, many of my students have been denied access. I am certain that most of my colleagues and administrators in Boston are unaware that this inaccessibility still exists to the extent that it currently does. It has been eye-opening to view curriculum through the lense of UDL. I am searching for answers to many very large questions like: Where do I begin? and How can I obtain resources to bring UDL to my school?
I/we would appreciate any help or suggestions that anyone can make.
As I begin to search for answers to these far-reaching questions, I am creating a list of some cool links on my blog that I am finding as I read the articles and search through numerous media links. If you can suggest any that would be helpful too.
I continue to look forward to reading everyone's blogs and to learning as much about implementing UDL as I can!

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Hey there!

Hi fellow UDL bloggers!
My name is Tricia Lampron and I am a teacher at the Murphy School in Dorchester. Our school is currently undergoing a pretty significant change. We're adopting inclusive practices as we attempt to close our achievement gap. We have a partnership with HGSE which allows teacher leaders at our school to work together with a varied group of interns from the different strands of the SLP. Our team is called the Cross-Role Cohort (CRC) and we meet together weekly to do this important work. I'm taking t560 in order to learn as much as I can about Universal Design for Learning so that I can bring back some great ideas to my school. I teach second grade and I LOVE my job! Well, that's all for now. I'm looking forward to a wonderful experience both in this class and with all of you!